Recently we helped a client deal with a sinkhole in Wayne, PA. We provided 20 yard containers for sludge removal. The sludge was taken to a clean fill site and kept out of a landfill. This action saved the customer thousands of dollars while also benefiting the environment by not needlessly dumping clean dirt.

Sinkholes are a fact of life in many areas of Pennsylvania as the geology is mostly limestone. The weak acid created by water in the presence of carbon dioxide dissolves the limestone before other rocks. This topography, known as Karst, is prevalent throughout PA and can cause serious problems for homeowners, businesses, and communities. This was not the first time we help a client with a sinkhole and it certainly won’t be the last.

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Dumpster Rental Blog/News

How to Dispose of Medicine

We are right in the middle of a pretty intense flu season, and sickness usually means heaps of medicine. Whether you are taking a prescription for an illness, or you are on medication for a chronic issue, one question seems to be on the minds of many: how do you dispose of these medications when […]

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Roll-Off Dumpster Direct Expands Into Illinois

From the shores of Lake Michigan to the farmlands of the Midwest, Illinois has its own unique needs when it comes to waste removal and dumpster rentals. At Roll-Off Dumpster Direct, we’re excited to announce that our exceptional services are now available to residents and businesses throughout the Land of Lincoln! For years, we’ve provided […]

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6 Ways to Recycle Your Christmas Tree

With Christmas just days away, you may be wondering what you are going to do with the lights and the tree. Well, if you are the type of family that opts for a fake tree– then the solution is easy. Box it up and store it away for next year. For those that like a […]

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