The United States Coast Guard is one of five US armed forces, whose motto is “Semper Paratus,” meaning “Always ready.”  The organization has eleven missions, as dictated by law, including coastal security, drug interdiction, and search and rescue.  Recently, Roll-Off Dumpster Direct delivered a dumpster to one of the Coast Guard’s sleeping stations in Barnegat Light, NJ for a clean-out.

The primary responsibility (in terms of operating expenses) of the Coast Guard is coastal security, which entails “the protection of the U.S. Maritime Domain and the U.S. Marine Transportation System (MTS) and those who live, work or recreate near them; the prevention and disruption of terrorist attacks, sabotage, espionage, or subversive acts; and response to and recovery from those that do occur.”

Although the Coast Guard is mainly focused on domestic security, the President has the power to call on them at any time to be used as a military force in a conflict.  

For more information on the USCG, check out their website.

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