Despite the fact that we recently wrote a post about nuclear power, one of our recent deliveries merited another post.  We’ve all heard of Three Mile Island, as it was the worst accident in commercial nuclear power development in U.S. history.  However, many people do not know that Three Mile Island is still a fully operational nuclear power plant today, located on the Susquehanna River, just South of Harrisburg, PA.

The disaster happened on March 28, 1979 when large amounts of nuclear reactant coolants escaped.  This led to a partial meltdown of the nuclear reactors.  After the accident, more than 100,000 pregnant women and children were evacuated from the area.  Despite the severity of the accident, recent studies have shown that the accident was not actually responsible for a single case of cancer. 

Recently, Roll Off Dumpster Direct made a delivery to the plant on Three Mile Island.  Not to worry though, no radioactive waste will be disposed of in our dumpsters.  Feel free to take a look at our list of other prohibited materials.

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Dumpster Rental Blog/News

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Roll-Off Dumpster Direct Expands Into Illinois

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