We were happy to have the opportunity to stop by the Penn State Children’s Hospital for a dumpster rental. Of course, this hospital in Hershey, PA is best known for its involvement in THON, a fundraiser put on by Penn State University.
Each year students at Penn State host THON, a dance marathon (as well as other events) to provide financial and emotional support for children and families of the Four Diamonds Fund. Thanks to such fundraising, Four Diamonds is able to fight pediatric cancer and support 100% of the children admitted to the Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital.
THON 2014 is set to take place tomorrow, February 21 and will last until February 23. The dance marathon will last 46 hours, during which dancers must stay awake and on their feet. Each year, around 700 students are selected to be these dancers. Other THON weekend events include a fashion show and variety show, during which Four Diamonds kids are the stars. According to the THON website, over $101 million has been raised to date.On February 17, a newer event took place. Called “No Hair, Don’t Care,” Penn State students shaved their heads in solidarity with children going through chemo therapy. Participants pay $10 for the fundraiser, all of the money going towards the fight against pediatric cancer.
We certainly wish these students luck on this upcoming weekend. They could not be helping a worthier cause. For more information about the Penn State Children’s Hospital or the Four Diamonds Fund, visit their website.